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We undertake property management on behalf of real estate investors. Property management activities include the following:
  • Collecting and recording all income
  • Paying expenses
  • Providing monthly financial statements
  • Coordinating all tenant matters
  • Providing 24 hour emergency contact for clients and tenants
  • Arranging repairs and maintenance in accordance with client instructions
  • Coordinating building, ground maintenance and contractual services
  • Purchasing of equipment and supplies, as necessary
  • Arranging insurance at preferred rates
  • Benchmarking
Under facilities management we undertake the following activities:
  • Formulation of cost cutting strategies
  • Integration of planning and management of hard and soft services to achieve better quality and economies
  • Facilities performance evaluation.
Free Global Counter URES and Associates Limited ,
P.O.Box 32776,Dar Es Salaam.
Urafiki Industrial Estate- Block 2, Office Room E.
Morogoro Road,Dar es Salaam-Tanzania
TEL: +255 22 2451 334
MOBILE- +255755789225,+255655789225.