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Major works undertaken during the last ten years that best illustrate qualifications.

URES and Associates Limited is a very active firm which has performed several assignments for varied category of clients. In the past three years URES and Associates has performed the following notable assignments;
Assignment Name
Valuation of Rosmini Fathers Fixed Assets properties for Financial Reporting Purposes 2011
Assignment Location within country:
Tanga, Dar es salaam and Moshi

Rosmini High School and Headquarter
Name of Client
The Registered Trustee of Rosmini Fathers P.O.Box 924 Tanga
No. of Staff
14 Nos
Start Date:
February ,2011
Complete Date:
May 2011
No. of Staff Months:
42 man months
Name of Associated Firm(s) if Any: NA No. of Months of Professional Staff Provided by Associated Firm(s):
Name of Senior Staff (Project Director/Coordinator, Team Leader Involved and Functions Performed):
  • Mr. Kahabuka Ruchaki Team Leader; Overall Coordinator.
  • Dr. Moses Mpogole; Supervisor and IT Specialist
  • Mr. Emmanuel Francis Mrema – Valuation (inspection, testing valuation, Estimation of Remaining useful lives)
Narrative Description of Project:
  • Physical verification and classification of fixed assets (core performing/non performing and non core performing/non performing)
  • Valuation of fixed assets
  • Asset Referencing (Coding)
  • Asset classification
Description of Actual Services Provided by Staff:
  • Physical inspection for condition assessment
  • Valuation – for Liquidation
  • Coding, Labelling
  • Report preparation and presentation
Assignment Name
Valuation of NDC (IMTU) Properties for Rent Assessment 2011
Assignment Location within country:
Dar es Salaam
Professional Staff Provided by our Firm:
2 Senior valuers (FRS (T))
4 Registered valuers
Name of Client
National Development Corporation
No. of Staff
6 Nos.
Start Date:
Complete Date:
August 2011
No. of Staff Months:
24 man months
Name of Associated Firm(s) if Any: NA No. of Months of Professional Staff Provided by Associated Firm(s): N/A
Free Global Counter URES and Associates Limited ,
P.O.Box 32776,Dar Es Salaam.
Urafiki Industrial Estate- Block 2, Office Room E.
Morogoro Road,Dar es Salaam-Tanzania
TEL: +255 22 2451 334
MOBILE- +255755789225,+255655789225.