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Development advice and market insight: adding value from concept to delivery Our advisory and research team uses its in-depth knowledge of the real estate business and extensive network to support its clients through the development process. We provide strategic consultancy and advice to guide and support investment decisions from concept through to delivery including:
  • Buyer profiling
  • Corporate occupier strategy
  • Development advisory
  • Due diligence - land acquisition and disposal
  • Financial and data analysis
  • Highest and best use studies
  • Joint venture structuring
  • Market and financial feasibility studies
  • Market research
  • Residential market research
  • Transactional services
We work with leading property developers, occupiers, hotel operators, investors, private equity groups, financiers, banks, government departments and infrastructure providers on a range of single and multi-plot developments, economic development zones and strategic master plans.
Our role typically starts at the concept stage of development, which allows us to advise on the most effective and suitable strategy. Driven by our valuation business and network of unique relationships with the agency community cities and other urban areas, our advice is further supported by our in-house market research function, extensive in-house database and market leading Property Monitor data service. We combine this information with the abilities of our multi-disciplined teams to progress all commercial aspects of development including sourcing finance, acquiring land and securing delivery partners.
Our specialist capabilities include advising our corporate occupier and developer clients on the following:
  • Affordable housing
  • Education
  • Hospitality
  • Industrial
  • Labour and staff accommodation
  • Residential master plans
  • Student accommodation.
Our clients instruct us to ensure that investment decisions are based in full knowledge of all real estate market factors at play. Our reports are used both for internal business planning and to satisfy the criteria of financiers and external auditors. They are relied upon by our developer clients to source multi-billion dollar sums of project finance.
Our team draws on best practice in development and applies this to local markets. Our research capabilities and market insight allows us to track the market and more accurately forecast a project’s performance. An investment in our services at the outset of a project will help to ensure that issues and opportunities
Free Global Counter URES and Associates Limited ,
P.O.Box 32776,Dar Es Salaam.
Urafiki Industrial Estate- Block 2, Office Room E.
Morogoro Road,Dar es Salaam-Tanzania
TEL: +255 22 2451 334
MOBILE- +255755789225,+255655789225.