Accurate valuations in a fast-moving environment
As professional valuers with experience and research all over the country we have extensive experience in all regions with their trends of land values We have grown to become one of the largest valuation teams and are recognised by many of our clients as having the fastest turnaround times in the market.
We undertake our own in-depth research and work closely with carefully selected local property agents and other market professionals to ensure we are fully up to date with current market activity and transactions. This enables us to identify changing trends and provide accurate valuations as the market adapts.
Our team of professional valuers and RICS chartered surveyors, together with our comprehensive internal sales database and industry leading Property Monitor data service, enables us to provide accurate and detailed reports that both banks and private clients can be confident in. We value villas, apartments, residential compounds, towers and development sites for private and corporate clients as well as most major international and domestic banks for the following purposes:
URES and Associates Limited , P.O.Box 32776,Dar Es Salaam. Urafiki Industrial Estate- Block 2, Office Room E. Morogoro Road,Dar es Salaam-Tanzania TEL: +255 22 2451 334 MOBILE- +255755789225,+255655789225. info@uresassociates.co.tz website:www.uresassociates.co.tz |