Communication, field and document verification are central operation to valuation and all other real estate services.
We use Information and Communication Technology (ICT) as additional to field inspection to gather information necessary for the valuation appraisal and process data. In this regard, internet searches from official websites helps in supplying some of the data e.g. Bank of Tanzania official website, responsible authorities, National Bureau of Statistics websites and so on. In terms of data processing, we use several software packages such as Argus, and Microsoft Excel. These packages are used in carrying out computations and making graphical representation of data and data analysis results before arriving at the final values for our assignments. . |
URES and Associates Limited , P.O.Box 32776,Dar Es Salaam. Urafiki Industrial Estate- Block 2, Office Room E. Morogoro Road,Dar es Salaam-Tanzania TEL: +255 22 2451 334 MOBILE- +255755789225,+255655789225. info@uresassociates.co.tz website:www.uresassociates.co.tz |