Digital mapping refers to a process of storing and displaying data in digital form based on computer application software.
URES and Associates consultants’ main area of operation includes preparation of digital cartographic databases and digital maps that give us a power to trade on map data. We have a range of maps in our digital databases covering almost the whole country at different scales. Based on the digital mapping phenomenon, URES and Associates’ technical wing also produces hard copy maps at different sizes and for specific tasks like researches, tour guides and other thematic maps. Data are stored in different GIS formats, basically in ESRI ArcView shape files and MapInfo Professional tab files
URES and Associates Limited , P.O.Box 32776,Dar Es Salaam. Urafiki Industrial Estate- Block 2, Office Room E. Morogoro Road,Dar es Salaam-Tanzania TEL: +255 22 2451 334 MOBILE- +255755789225,+255655789225. info@uresassociates.co.tz website:www.uresassociates.co.tz |